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  • Writer's pictureTony Nila

Rosemary (Rosie) 5 week old brown spotted female

Updated: May 4

Rosemary (Rosie) 5 week old 5th generation brown spotted Bengal

Our sweet Rosemary shares a strong spiritual meaning that represents love, clarity, transparency and wisdom. She was born on 3/16 around lunch time, which suits her well as she is a singleton and loves to eat enough for a whole litter. As we continue to watch her develop and her personality start to shine through, we are already noticing that she loves to snuggle and bundle into soft bedding.

Rosie's eyes have just opened and still developing her eye sight as well as her hearing just starting to develop. She is getting much more active and learning to use her legs to start moving around a bit. She absolutely loves snuggling, tummy rubs and is starting to look for me when I talk to her.

Her mother Bunny is such a nurturing mama and taking care of Rosie so well. Rosemary's mother Bunny is a 4th generation seal mink Bengal and her father Lucid is 8th generation silver charcoal Bengal, making Rosie a 5th generation Bengal. You can learn more about each of her parents including their health test results by visiting "Kings & Queens" on our website.

Rosie's shade of brown is considered very cool toned. There are no official subcategories of the brown Bengal, the brown coat has the widest variety of spectrum shades with grey at the coolest end and orange at the hottest end. She will almost have a grey appearance with jet black markings making her look very beautifully contrasted. You'll also notice her lovely pattern of spots that will open over time to rosettes.

She will come available to our waitlist as soon as the third week of April, however those on our waitlist have expressed interest in either a different gender/color kitten so she may come available to the public.

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